Kip Jones
Professor Kip Jones died in November of 2021. Social Psychology Network is maintaining this profile for visitors who wish to learn more about Professor Jones's work.
Please see below for more information:
- Remembering Kip Jones (2023 ISAN Honorary Memorial Spotlight)
Kip Jones BA MSc PhD is Director of the Centre for Qualitative Research and Reader in Performative Social Science (PSS) in the Faculties of Media & Communication and Health & Social Sciences at Bournemouth University in the United Kingdom. PSS uses tools from the Arts & Humanities in researching and/or disseminating Social Science research.
Jones acted as Executive Producer and Author of the award-winning short biopic RUFUS STONE (2012). This effort was the main output of a three-year project funded by Research Councils UK that explored the biographies of older gay and lesbian citizens and their experiences of rural life in Britain. This professionally made film was created by means of a unique collaboration between the film director, Josh Appignanesi (The Infidel), and Jones.
Jones’ accomplishments have been reported widely in the media, including: BBC Radio 4, BBC TV news, Times Higher Education, LSE Impact Blog, Sunday New York Times, International Herald-Tribune and The Independent.
'Kip Jones brings the genre of what he calls Performative Social Science forward with
wide-ranging theoretical, academic, and artistic products in a various media that takes up how social scientists can use art for investigation and dissemination.' “Embodied Methodologies, Participation, and the Art of Research” by Madeline Fox Social and Personality Psychology Compass Volume 9, Issue 7, pages 321–332, July 2015
Primary Interests:
- Close Relationships
- Culture and Ethnicity
- Health Psychology
- Interpersonal Processes
- Personality, Individual Differences
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
- Research Methods, Assessment
- Self and Identity
- Sexuality, Sexual Orientation
- Sociology, Social Networks
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Video Gallery
ISAN Honorary Memorial Spotlight: Remembering Kip Jones
Journal Articles:
- Gergen, M., & Jones K. (2008). Editorial: A conversation about performative social science. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(2), Article 43.
- Jones, K. (2007). How did I get to Princess Margaret? (And how did I get her to the World Wide Web?) (2007). Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Special Issue on Virtual Ethnography), 8(3).
- Jones, K. (2006, March). Editorial note: The book review as "performance." Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 7(2), Art. 27.
- Jones, K. (2006, April). A biographic researcher in pursuit of an aesthetic: The use of arts-based (re)presentations in "performative" dissemination of life stories. Qualitative Sociology Review, 2(1), 66-85.
- Jones, K. (2006). Examining "race" in health research: The case for "listening" to language. Diversity in Health & Social Care, 3(1), 35-41.
- Jones, K. (2006). Informal care as relationship: The case of the magnificent seven. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 13, 214-220.
- Jones, K. (2005). Diversities in approach to end-of-life: A view from Britain of the qualitative literature. Journal of Research in Nursing, 10(4), 431-454.
- Jones, K. (2004, September). Thoroughly post-modern Mary: A biographic narrative interview with Mary Gergen. Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal] 5(3).
- Jones, K. (2003). Mission drift in qualitative research, or moving toward a systematic review of qualitative studies, moving back to a more systematic narrative review. The Qualitative Report.
- Jones, K. (2002). The turn to a narrative knowing of persons: One method explored. Nursing Times Research, 8(1), 60-71.
Other Publications:
- Jones, K. (2009). How did I get to Princess Margaret? (And how did I get her to the World Wide Web?) In M. Srinivasan & R. Mathur (Eds.), Ethnography and The Internet: An Exploration. Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta, India: ICFAI University Press. (Reprint of 2007 article published originally in Forum: Qualitative Social Research)
- Jones, K. (2006). The art of collaborative storytelling: A discussion on arts-based representations of narrative contexts. In K. Milnes, C. Horrocks, N. Kelly, B. Roberts, & D. Robinson (Eds.), Narrative, Memory and Knowledge: Representations, Aesthetics and Contexts, Conference Proceedings (6th Annual Narrative Conference). Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield Press.
- Jones, K. (2004). Minimalist passive interviewing technique and team analysis of narrative qualitative data. In F. Maggs-Rapport (Ed.), New Qualitative Methodologies in Health and Social Care. London: Routledge.
- Jones, K. (2004). Soldiers become casualties: Doctors' accounts of the SARS epidemic. In T. Greenhalgh (Ed.), Narrative Research in Health and Illness. London: BMJ Books.
- Jones, K. (Special Issue Editor) and M. Gergen, J. J. Guiney Yallop, I. Lopez de Vallejo, B. Roberts & P. Wright (Co-Editors). (2008). Forum: Qualitative Social Research Special Issue on Performative Social Science (42 articles), 9(2).
Courses Taught:
- Workshops in Biographical Narrative Method
- Workshops in Performative Social Science